Fire Starter

Starting a fire quickly and easily can be an art. Especially if your wood isn’t dry and/or if you don’t have something to get the fire started like kindling or lots of paper. Here’s an easy to make fire starter that I used on our motorcycle camping trips…north of the arctic circle.

Here’s what you’ll need to collect: 1. Candles (Good Will Store?) 2. Dryer lint. 3. Paper egg cartons. 4. A propane torch or equivalent. 5. A pair of pliers.

First, stuff your dryer lint into the egg cartons (remove the eggs, first 🙂 Then just melt the candle wax into the dryer lint by heating it with the propane torch. Get as much wax in there as it will hold and DON’T TOUCH IT UNTIL IT COOLS OFF! IT’S VERY HOT! Then all you have to do is separate the individual units by tearing or cutting them apart AFTER IT COOLS OFF. Ask me how I know to emphasize waiting!

Heating wax (paraffin) with torch.
Here is how it might look after melting some wax into lint

The individual units weigh about 1/2 oz each and will burn for up to 15 minutes at over 800 degrees F. That should get your fire started if you’ve laid it out correctly.

Individual units are very light, ignite easily with a match or lighter. You can save them in sandwich bags.

Good things or bad things? I choose good things

You have done some extraordinary things. I don’t know what they were but you do. You have helped someone, been somewhere memorable, had an unforgettable experience, had someone sincerely thank you for something you did and the list goes on.

You have some bad memories of something you did, something that happened to you, a mistake you made that you can’t take back. That list goes on as well.

We all have those lists in our heads. It’s normal and natural.  We all sometimes find ourselves remembering the bad stuff.  But we have a choice. Keep beating ourselves up with the bad memories or start remembering the good ones?

Knowing this, I wrote down a list of as many good things in my life as I could come up with at the moment and saved it.  More importantly, I saved it in my head where I could access it whenever I wanted to.  I found that the more frequently I revisited those memories, the easier it was to recall them. I add to them from time to time.

So now, when I find that I’m getting down on myself about a bad experience I had and can’t change,  that triggers me to just start remembering the good stuff instead, starting with the best first. I try to be as vivid as possible in my memories of the good stuff.  Then a funny thing happens. I don’t care about the bad stuff anymore. It’s in the past, only exists in my memories, and really doesn’t have to exist anymore at all.  Sure the good stuff is only memories now as well but it’s a hell of a lot more pleasant to think about.

Here’s just a few of those good memories:

Flying my Cessna not just over a live volcano but through it. The sides of the volcano on both sides and behind me as I fly down and out the front of it where it blew the side out.  Yes, that really happened…a few times. I did that a long time ago and don’t recommend it…in fact, it could be illegal. I never asked.

Flying my plane alongside an erupting volcano (20 miles away) and watching the pyroclastic flow affect the river below as it washed logs from a riverside log dump. Watching the logs crashing down the river and into a bridge where traffic was backed up for miles both ways while I got to just fly back to the airport.

Having a friend tell me that his doctor told him the aspirin I gave him when he was having chest pains “saved his life.” He got a stint and is still leading an active life.

This is Brian. Next day he fell in a blizzard and broke his leg.

Riding an “Adventure” motorcycle with good friends who were riding theirs north of the Arctic Circle to Prudhoe Bay, the most northerly place one can drive in America. Then, two years later doing the same thing in Canada visiting an indigenous people’s village of Tuktoyyaktuk on the Arctic Ocean. Surviving a blizzard on the return trip that took out two of my friends (who have recovered from their injuries).  This in my mid-70’s.

Stopping and helping a stranded stranger more than once and helping them get their car started and seeing the look on their face as they asked “Who are you?”

Marrying my high school sweetheart and remembering how my mother told me I should meet this 15 year-old girl (Same age as I was) who was helping her in our restaurant. Thinking how lucky I am to still be with her as our 80 year old birthdays approach.

Having my grandchildren ask me to help them fix or do something. Loving that they live next door!!

Having good friends to call and do things with.

Hiking on beautiful mountain trails. Exploring a rustic deserted log cabin and seeing where the cougar put deep scratches into the old sturdy ladder as it climbed up on the loft perch. Stopping in mid-stride in a mountain meadow after seeing a mother bird do the broken-wing thing they do to lure me away from their babies. Discovering that there was a nest with two tiny babies under my lifted foot that I would have stepped on had their wonderful mother not done her broken-wing act.

Sailing a 50’ sailboat in the British Virgin Islands with good friends. Going to the Barcelona Olympics and many other places with them.  Cruising through the Panama Canal and meeting wonderful people on that trip who are still our friends.

Winning Four Wheeler Magazine’s “Top Truck Challenge” making my Jeep and I famous…for maybe 15 minutes.

Finally getting around to writing a few things in this blog.

There are many more, most of which are much more mundane but pleasant to recall releasing the good-feeling endorphins.

I’m sure you can write your list which may or may not be as adventurous sounding but equally pleasurable to remember.  When should you do it?  How about now?

Knee starting to hurt? Try glucosamine.

My Physician said, as he looked at the x-ray of my sore knee, “It looks like you are going to have to have a knee replacement in a few years. See this Milky looking substance floating down from your meniscus? ( knee cartilage) That is small pieces of meniscus wearing off. Sooner or later we’re going to have to do a knee replacement, otherwise, you will be bone to bone.”

This is what I take now. I get it at Costco. I was taking 2-3 of the supplied cups a day at first. Now just off and on when the knee reminds me that I should be more consistant.

“However,” he said, “we don’t know why this works but some people seem to get relief using a substance called glucosamine. You might want to try that.”

So, after doing a little research on it, I purchased some liquid glucosamine and chondroitin mixture. I had heard that the liquid compounds seem to be taken up into the body better than something in pill form.

I have been taking the stuff now for about 20 years and still have the same knee which is almost pain-free. So I am a believer. “Your results may vary.”

My theory on how this works is that the meniscus does have a mechanism for repairing itself. In the form of new cartilage cells that replace the ones that are being worn off. It has been shown that small meniscus tears do heal. Otherwise, how could something that gets this much use have much longevity? It could be, that the problem comes when the newly attaching cartilage cells, which have to be pretty soft to start with, getting knocked off by rough spots on the opposing femur joint. The same thing that was wearing out the meniscus in the first place. Your body May take the cartilage particles that glucosamine is made from and place it in between the two rubbing components, sort of like a grease or oil, to protect the new cells and give them time to set up into harder, abrasion-resistant cells.

So, expanding on the theory of loading up with as much cartilage as possible, when I have fried chicken, I tend to knaw off all the cartilage. Sounds kind of funny but, you know, if it works, why not?

If you were thinking about trying this, don’t put it off. It is said that the inner 2/3s of the meniscus does not have the blood supply to do repairs. So if you wait until you are worn down too far, it might be too late. if you do try this, don’t be in a hurry to see results. It took a month or so for me to notice the lessening of the pain I was experiencing. Probably because of the slow development of the replacement cartilage. This is all very unscientific and unproven and just my opinion based on my personal observations. But I’m still walking around on the same knees I was born with long after the doc said they were going to have to be replaced. So, if you are beginning to experience knee pain, what do you have to lose?

“I Feel Weird”…HyperParathyroidism

“I feel weird.” my 67-year-old wife, Marcy, kept saying. I asked her to describe “weird” and she would just say she didn’t know but she felt weird.  We had been visiting doctors for more than 3 years for this and she was being treated for restless leg syndrome, possible Lupus, acid reflux and host of other “guesses” the docs were making about her condition. She was taking calcium supplements due to bone loss in her hips, osteoporosis. Anti-anxiety meds, meds for her gastric reflux and more. She had three stints put in her heart due to blood flow blockage. Meanwhile, her overall general health was going downhill. She started sleeping in another room to avoid keeping me awake since she was crying nearly every night and morning from the discomfort. She no longer visited her weekly “coffee and cackles” group of girlfriends as she had for several years. She was starting to give away things of hers because she thought she was dying. And maybe she was.

At a doctor’s visit, I heard him remark “I’m not sure what is wrong but her calcium is a little high.”  I pulled out my notepad and asked him “How high?”  He said “10.6.” So I wrote that down and began researching.

I learned that having a calcium level over 10 is considered “hypercalcemia.” “Hyper,” means high and “hypo” means low.  On this website, I found a list of symptoms that seemed to match hers.  It said that if you had just some of these symptoms you most likely had the disease called hyperparathyroidism. It affects approximately one out of 80 people in their lifetime and the most likely candidates for it are post-menopausal women where the rate is about 1 out of 50.  The most common symptoms are “feeling weird” and being “bitchy.”  Well, Marcy wasn’t bitchy but seemed to have several of the other symptoms.

So we went back to the doc and I asked for a test of her parathyroid hormone level or PTH. It came in at 93. A little more about that:

The parathyroid glands are four glands usually in the neck near the thyroid gland. They were the last glands discovered in mammals and they regulate the calcium level in your blood. They are normally about the size of a grain of rice. Once in a while one or more goes berserk and grows much larger, forming a non-cancerous “adenoma” that pumps out too much PTH and raises your calcium level. It gets some of that calcium from your bones causing osteoporosis. Normally, the PTH level goes from maybe 10 or so to up to 65, depending on how much calcium you require at the time. The more calcium you require, the higher the PTH level. When all is working right and the calcium gets up there, the PTH level diminishes. A red flag is when the PTH is, say 67, and the calcium is 10 or so.

The doc said he thought possible hyperparathyroidism was a “red herring.”  I  asked him for a referral to an endocrinologist or gland specialist. When we got with that specialist he looked up the results of the PTH test he had ordered himself when we made the appointment and said it was 62 “and that was normal.”  I said “No it isn’t!  Not with a calcium level of what you see there…10.6!”  I said I think she has hyperparathyroidism. Especially with all her other symptoms. He seemed a bit flustered and said he was going to order some more tests which would take a week or so to get to and then a few more weeks for him to get back to us.  As we left I mentally fired him.

I had learned that there is a very simple 15-minute operation that takes out the berserk, but benign, adenoma through a very small incision in the neck and completely cures the disease.  So I began found a doc with good references who did that nearer to my residence in California than James Norman who does the website and practices in Florida.  His name was Emery Chen less than an hour’s drive away. (Update: Dr. Chen is now practicing in Palmdale, CA. Updated 1/9/24)

We visited his office and after only a few minutes of describing her symptoms and blood tests, he said “I think she has hyperparathyroidism. Come on in back and I’ll do an ultrasound to see.”  In about five minutes he asked me to come over and look at it. He pointed out an all-black area on the screen where there were no ultrasound echoes. He said, “See her carotid artery pulsing here and her trachea there? See the black area here? Parathyroid adenomas are very soft so don’t reflect ultrasound pulses. That’s how I know what it is.”

I’m telling you this part in detail because some docs say you can’t see parathyroid adenomas on ultrasound and say you must do what they call a Sestamibi scan or a more recently developed CT.  Both use dye contrast to identify the parathyroid glands.

We discussed with Dr Chen whether we thought we needed a Sestamibi scan. We decided we already knew enough to go ahead and schedule the surgery.

Both of us cried as the elevator came to take us down to our car. I tear up as I’m writing this and have almost every time at this point when I’ve told this story. After several years of misery, someone knew what was causing it and was going to fix it.

A week later Dr Chen walked into the waiting room where I was awaiting the results of the 15-minute surgery. He showed me a picture of the adenoma he had just taken from Marcy’s neck. It was about the size of the end of a thumb instead of the size of a grain of rice like a normal parathyroid gland.  He said “She’s cured. We tested her blood shortly after we took it out and the PTH is now at a normal level.”

Here is that photo

And cured she is!  She is back to her normal self. Back to Coffee and Cackles with her girlfriends. Back to sleeping in our room together. You can’t even see the scar from the tiny incision in her neck now. No more acid reflux, anxiety pills, feeling weird or any of the other symptoms. She will have those heart stints in forever but her heart function is great now. I’m positive that the blockage was caused by the excess calcium. Statistically, her life expectancy is now at least 5-6 years longer than it would have been with this disease.

So I urge you to listen carefully to anyone who says “I just feel weird.”  “I get kidney stones.” “I just have no energy.” “I have acid reflux.” or describes more than one of the other symptoms on this web page. Ask them if they know their calcium level. If it’s 10 or above, you may just be able to help them live a longer, happier life by referring them to a doc who knows about hyperparathyroidism and will order a PTH blood test.  Remember, one in 80 people are said to have this in there lifetime and it is one of the most under-diagnosed diseases. You probably know someone who has it.  You, they and their doc just don’t know it yet.

Adding a Sena 10C camera to my Sena 30K equipped helmet

A quandary I was in. I like communicating via Bluetooth intercom with my riding buddies and love taking videos of our rides.  The Sena 10C camera/intercom combination works well for me. I also love the new Sena 30K “mesh” intercom for its ability to hook up with 10 or more other 30K intercoms. The 10C is limited to only three. I wish Sena made a 10C-like camera with the ability to “mesh intercom” with lots of riders like their 30K model!

For our upcoming motorcycle trip to the far north First Nations’ Inuvialuit village of Tuktoyaktuk (pronounced “Tuk toy AK tuk”, referred to by many as just “Tuk”) in Canada’s Northwest Territories, our group of eight chose the 30K so we could maintain communication for the whole trip. Just like talking on an intercom to your back seat passenger but you can talk with the others on your “mesh” intercom network, hands-free, who are more than a mile away…so they say.

I have a Go-Pro Hero 4, which has a somewhat better resolution…that you can hardly see on a computer… but really didn’t want to wear it after getting used to the feature-rich compact Sena 10-C.

So I just added my 10C to the same helmet that has the Sena 30K. This meant squeezing in another set of earphones and another mic not to mention the two Sena intercoms.  I could have left off the mic and earphones but then would not be able to comment on the video and hear the myriad of status calls coming from the 10c, like “camera on,” “recording,” etc. It was actually easier to do than I thought it would be and I don’t notice the small bit of extra weight on my modular Scorpion helmet.

Here’s how it went.

I had to move the Sena 30K back just a bit from its normal spot to allow the Sena 10-C camera and intercom to clamp on in front. Both have to be on the same side to allow operation without using your throttle hand.

For the 30K, I used the plug-in boom mic and for the 10C I used the wired small mic. For a mic holder, I used two of the windsocks supplied with the 10C mounting kit. I cut the top off one, making it into a sleeve and slid the big 30K mike through it along with the wired 10C mic. Then I put the 10C mike in a complete windsock and slid it onto the 30K mike. The 10C mike is in the end. Both work very well when close to your mouth…the closer the better.

To mount the extra two speakers in the helmet, I cut out a bit of foam near the built-in speaker cutouts and put them in next to the 30K speakers and higher up to get the sound in via my upper ear. Sounds great! You can hear the higher fidelity that the newer Sena 30K has over the older Sena 10C. I only want to be hearing the 10C’s status reports, like “camera on” “recording” etc. I’ll use the 30K system for intercom, music, phone, etc. 


The two units do fit well together and now I can converse with my many buds on the convenient Sena 30K “mesh” intercom while also doing a video of our rides.

For more info and a review on Sena’s 30K, see here.

FOLLOW UP:  We are back from the trip both Senas worked great!  While they worked.  A couple of us had problems with fidelity on our 30X mesh units and some thought it was because of moisture infiltration. It does rain in Alaska!  One unit failed altogether…out of 8…but I had a complete extra unit along so substituted it for the bad one.  The Sena camera worked flawlessly and produced some great videos and stills. I’ll be publishing some of those later.

5 Things

Awhile back, my 16-year-old Grandson, Alex, lost one of his skis on a deep snowy slope and after looking as thoroughly as he could, came back home from the ski resort without it.  I’m lucky he lives next door, but so is he because he finds it handy to come over and ask me if I would help him pay for a new set of skis.

So now seemed like a good time to help him develop goals and the kind of organization he would need to “make it” in this world. To say the least, he was not well organized or goal-driven in his life and sometimes drove his parents nuts. But he usually listened to me.

So, after giving it some thought for a day or two, I gave him this simple list on a document titled “5 things.”  Alex complied with my instructions and provided me with his lists. We met often after that and went over some of the pleasantly surprising and honest assessments and goals he set for himself. After a few weeks, his parents, who hadn’t seen the list, asked me what I had said to him.  I shared the list and results with them. They said he was treating his sister much better, cleaning his messy room often, not complaining about his “chores” anymore and seemed to be a much happier person.  Later my daughter came to me and asked for a copy of the list as some of her friends who were parents of Alex’s friends were asking her for a copy. They were noticing the difference in him as well.

Here are the “5 things:”

5 things

5 things I should be doing better

5 things I will do to improve starting now

5 goals in will accomplish in the next 5 years

Do this for yourself and give me a copy. It must be written and printed out and also saved on your computer and somewhere on your phone. Show me where it is saved and how you will access it.

Review it at least once every 5 days for the next month

On Christmas, tell me what progress you have made and how that is affecting you.

If you do this now, I will help you finance your new skis and bindings. I get the old pair if the other one ever shows up so I can sell them.

We will not get a very expensive new set…we can’t afford it. You need to find them and we can go over why we are choosing them. The final decision on which skis you get shall be a mutual one between you and me.

Alex got his skis. His story continues but that is for another time. I just wish someone had given me this list at that age and I hope you can find a use for it.



A Canoe Adventure That Almost Turned Deadly

This experience happened to me when I was a lot younger and exponentially more stupid than I am now. And that’s saying a lot. 

What a great day!  Here we were, the four of us in two canoes paddling down the scenic Nisqually River in Northwest Washington.  I had scouted the river on the 4th of July, just a few days earlier and, as luck would have it, ran into two lady canoeists who had just come down the same stretch I was contemplating running.

They had taken their two-year-old son with them and another novice canoeist and had chosen this stretch because it was a “piece of cake.”  One of the ladies said she had even become bored in some sections and they had paddled just for something to do.  They said I could wait for their husbands, who were up getting the other car at the put-in if I needed more details.

“No, perfect,”  I said.  “This will be just right for taking my wife’s boss, who also was a novice, plus two other more experienced friends for a pleasant day of river running.”

So now we were running smoothly past some interesting log jams, threading our way past some narrow sections and even encountering a few little bits of “almost white water.”  I was right, this couldn’t be more perfect.

We were remarking that this would be a good one to take our wives down on another day.  I was hoping we would have another “severe clear” blue sky day like this one.

Gradually, more log jams appeared on the sides and the flow picked up a little.  Just ahead the river turned sharply to the left with a good-sized log jam on the right.  I stayed on the inside to avoid getting too close to the logs when a strong eddy began to spin the canoe to the left.  “Paddle hard left, Don!”  I said while I back-paddled right to correct the spin.  The maneuver worked, stopping our spin and forward momentum and got us turned back the right way. “Hey, this is fun!  I can do this!”  I thought.

Meanwhile, Brian, my wife’s boss and Greg, a very experienced canoeist went around us in Greg’s canoe and negotiated the left turn perfectly.  I watched them continue down the swift, narrow section between the log jam and the bank on the left when, suddenly they hit a submerged stump and just rolled over, dumping them and their gear into the cold Nisqually.

I immediately pulled off left, grounding our canoe on a gravel bar and we both jumped out watching our friends and their canoe being swept around another sharp turn to the right.  Fortunately, there were no log jams in sight below them, so we hoped for the best.  We were all wearing personal flotation devices (PFD’s).

Don and I jumped back in our canoe and shoved off, immediately discovering what caused our friends’ upset.  The current here was flowing about 45 degrees cross river pushing us toward the same submerged obstacle our friends hit.  I didn’t have enough room to miss it on the right where I  wanted to go so I turned sharp left and went around it.

Whoops, another one dead ahead!  “Paddle hard, Don!”  I tried to power the canoe to the right but discovered that cross-current had become even stronger and we were going into a submerged stump sideways.  “This is not usually good,” I thought.

We managed to get most of the canoe past the obstacle when a submerged root caught the stern and we did a slow roll into the swift water!  Now we were the ones floating along with paddles, canoe, cooler and other flotsam being swept around the bend.

I remembered what I had read: “Hang on to your paddle, keep your feet up, don’t get in front of the canoe to avoid it pinning you against something, swim toward shore, if possible, save yourself first, then others, then your gear.”

We came around a bend and there were Brian and Greg crawling out on a little gravel bar.  “Don’s behind me, looks OK.  Whoa! The canoe is just behind me.  I’m getting over to that bank and out of its way!”

I stood up when  I was sure of my footing and just my legs were in the water and no part of my torso. Otherwise, the  swift flow would just have pushed me on.

I saw the canoe lead rope within my grasp, grabbed it and started to pull the canoe, which was now downstream of me, toward the bank.  No chance!  It felt like a tow truck was pulling it the other way.  It was either let go of the rope and my $1,830 canoe or get pulled back into the swift Nisqually.  Bye-bye, canoe.

I waded down to the little bar where everybody else was while we watched the canoes disappear downstream.  “Well, what now?”  “There’s a vertical twelve-foot bank up out of here and all our gear is on it’s way to the Nisqually Delta without us.”

With only a moment’s hesitation, Greg jumped back into the river, going after his canoe.  I thought, “Hmmm, the river looks pretty mild for quite a ways, and I can tell it’s quite a ways because our canoes look pretty small way down there.  OK, can’t stay here, can’t go up the bank, so back into the river.”

After gathering some important stuff, like Don’s hat, the cooler (where’s the lid?) and still hanging on to my paddle, I jumped in, following Greg.  Pushing the cooler ahead of me, I scissor-kicked my way through the water, trying to catch up to Greg and, hopefully, the canoes.  Maybe this swift flow might slow down or eddy somewhere downstream and we could get the canoes back.

Looking back, I saw that Don and Brian were also floating down behind us. Then ahead I saw Greg’s canoe had come to rest on a small log jam in some quiet water just past a primitive boat launch site.  Great!  We’ll have at least one canoe to continue on in.”  I could see that Greg was already up on the small logs, so I got to shore in this slower water, got out and discovered that the bank led to an old road past the brush.  This road led to what looked like an Indian launch site for tending their gill nets.  I’m glad they didn’t have any out just now, however, I could occasionally see some remnants of the nets still on the banks.

We all got together and managed to get Greg’s canoe up off the logs and onto the shore.  No damage, even had their two paddles still inside.

We decided to let Greg and Brian take the canoe down this milder stretch while Don and I continued to walk down the little one-lane overgrown dirt road along the river.  We agreed that, if someone spotted my canoe we would whistle or shout and see what we could do about getting it going again, also.

About 500 yards down the river, I heard Brain and Greg shout and heard their canoe ground against a gravel bar.  Quite a bit of brush was between the road and the river, so I couldn’t see what was going on until I followed their voices through the stinging nettles back to the river.

There was my canoe, pushed tight up against a large, fallen Maple sweeper (a tree sticking out into the river where it will “getcha.”)  The canoe was almost completely submerged with the full force of the swift river pushing on its side.

I carefully walked out on one of the four large horizontal trunks of what used to be a majestic tree and worked my way to the canoe.  This involved walking on a 12-inch diameter submerged branch for the last ten feet, holding on to other branches while the water swirled around my feet.  Not a fun place to be, but carefully done it was reasonably safe.  (I think I would compare it for safety to crossing a freeway at rush hour, on foot,  while trying to hold two angry cats fighting with each other…with fighter interceptors taking off 100 feet over your head for noise level.)

Anyway, upon reaching the canoe, I found that no amount of pushing or pulling had the slightest effect on it.  No wonder, it has been estimated that a current such as this could exert up to four tons of pressure on a sideways canoe.

The canoe was on its side with the river pushing on the bottom, creating a little dam. I could stand inside, downstream, sheltered from the swirling water.  Meanwhile, all around me, the swift water is roaring by.

I’m thinking, “OK, we aren’t going to get it this way.  Better just try to get the waterproof bag that’s still attached.”  It had our wallets, glasses and whatever still in it, I hope.  I have to reach way down in that water to get it.  Water’s up to my nose now and I can just feel it.  Unhooking the strap now.  Darn! The bag is pinned to a branch and won’t budge!  OK, I’ll reach inside and try to get the stuff out.  Hard to do it with it in over two feet of water.  OK, got a tennis shoe.  I’ll stick it in this limb crotch and go after some more.

Can’t reach further without getting my whole head underwater!  Enough of this.  Here comes Greg.  Glad he’s as crazy as I am.”

We discovered that our combined efforts were just enough to budge the canoe enough so that I could free the bag.  Great!  Now we had money, credit cards and (wet) checks to get materials to free the canoe.

New plan.  Don and Brian will walk out the little road to the main highway so we would know how to get back to the canoe.  Meanwhile, Greg and I would take his canoe down-river to the motorhome parked at the take-out, come back and pick them up.

Hoping we would see each other again, Don and Brian set out on the road while Greg and I started once again down the “piece of cake” Nisqually.  The remaining river proved interesting, with sandbars, log jams, sweepers, tricky currents, (Who were those people I talked to on July 4th, anyway!) and deceptive twists and turns.  We made it back to the takeout, loaded Greg’s “survivor” canoe (it is a nice $400 canoe) and headed back up the river.

We found Brian beside the road, having walked three miles to get there.  Don had hitched a ride to go upriver and get the drop-off vehicle we had left there.  He probably didn’t have complete faith in our making it back to take him there.

Moving back up the road, we eventually came upon Don driving the drop-off vehicle back.  Since we were on the Nisqually Indian reservation, we sent Don and Greg off to find keys to the locked gates back to the river while Brian and I went to get supplies to retrieve the canoe.  Off we went in separate directions again.

Brian and I found a rental outfit in nearby Yelm which would sell us the 150 feet of rope I wanted, a come-a-long (winch thing) and oil for the chainsaw I carried in the motorhome.  They also had a phone so Brian could call his pregnant wife, Molly, and tell her we would be just a little late.  This was before we all had mobile phones, BTW. I had already called my Marcy from a store before picking up Brian and she had called the other wives, so we bought ourselves extra time.  Naturally, we didn’t tell them everything, that wouldn’t have been too smart just now.

The guys at the store were very helpful while they took my money for the $150 come-along plus the other stuff (remember, an $1,830 canoe!)  Yes, they told us about the four people they knew of who had been killed last year on that same stretch of the Nisqually we dumped on.  They told us that one person had still not been found! Hmmm.

Brian and I immediately decided that there might be a few people we might forget to tell about the other four unlucky people, like our wives!

Brian and I went back to the first gate, parked the motorhome and waited for the others.  Hmm, here comes a police car.  Says Nisqually Tribal Police on it.  Turns out that Jim Parsons and his partner just happened to be patrolling down at this end of this little dirt road and wanted to know if we needed anything.  We told him what was up.

Jim disagreed with the people in the tool rental agency.  He said eight people were killed last year on this stretch of the Nisqually. Hmmmmmmmmmm. I’m starting to get a better sense of just how dumb I really was.

Just then, Don and Greg showed up and had actually found a guy with a key to both gates, saving us over a mile of walking down to the river.  A nice Nisqually Indian in a pickup arrived, opened the gates and a procession of the pickup, the motorhome, the drop-off vehicle and the police car proceeded on through.  Dropping off the motorhome, the rest of us went on down to the river.

The canoe was still there, of course, stuck as firm as ever.  Greg and I walked the tree trunk and branches back out to it and, with Greg steadying me, I tied one end of the long rope to the bow.  Next, we hooked the other end to the 3000-pound capacity come-a-long attached to a tree as far upstream as we could get it.

Don winched in the slack and put as much of a load on the rope as we dared, still no budging.  OK, out with the chainsaw.  With Greg once again steadying me, I began cutting away the part of the tree holding the canoe.  This was hairy.  We were standing over a swift, killer river sawing off one of four tree trunks thicker than my blade is long, wondering if the whole tree will shift when this part goes.

I was able to reach under and get the trunk sawed off which fell into the river OK.   When the tree trunk went, the canoe was free to move downstream, tethered to the rope.  It swung toward the bank as planned, however, the stern caught against other parts of the tree putting the canoe once again sideways to the swift current.  This time the open part faced upstream rather than down forming a big scoop to the swift current.

The force of the water was too much, even for the kevlar (they make bullet-proof vests out of it). The canoe buckled in half, splintering the wooden rails.  This allowed it to swing further toward the bank into slower water while Don kept winching the bow upstream.  As the canoe pointed straight upstream and unfolded, we were finally able to get it to shore and out of the water.

While Nisqually River water poured out through a foot-wide hole near the bow, Brian said something about it being a shame for such a beautiful canoe to come to this.  I said, “Well, it’s self-bailing now, anyway.”

While we don’t know if the Nisqually was any different the day we did it or not, we now know that, no matter what the “book” or what someone who ran the river last week says, check with local people who see the river on a regular basis.  Log jams and dam releases can change the flow and nature of a river from a fun place to a killer environment.

I would never recommend anyone attempting the recovery of anything in swift waters until all options have been very carefully considered.  Even small mistakes can get deadly in a hurry! We were just lucky that day.

Since then we have learned how to slow and even stop a canoe in very swift water by proper back-paddling. Then we can move the canoe sideways in what is called a “ferrying” maneuver to go around obstacles.  We have also learned many other canoe operating tricks and feel we still have a lot to learn.

Right now, we are enjoying camping on nice, quiet lakes. If we do choose to go down another river, you can be sure I will know considerably more about it than I knew about the Nisqually that “Perfect day in July.”

Distracted Riding

OK, Got the Garmin Zumo GPS as a replacement for the Garmin Montana  GPS mainly because the Zumo can double as a music player and seems a bit better suited for my Street bikes. It doesn’t do tracks like the Montana but I’m not going to go on trails with either the V-Strom or the Goldwing, so Routes based on street navigating worked just fine. 

I spent time and some money to load up hours of my favorite songs and was ready to enjoy the next ride with my tunes. The first ride out after getting the music, I wound up in a ditch.

Huh?  There sat the Goldwing in a 3-foot ditch hooked to a wrecker. No damage but I’m getting worried about how my lack of concentration would let me do something like that…a slow speed oopsie on a narrow lane while I was turning to see if I had zipped up a tank bag.  I’d never done that before.

Then, the next ride, I found myself on the shoulder from another concentration lapse. I rode it out with no issues but discovered that I was uncomfortable on twisties now and having trouble feeling completely in control. I was thinking that maybe it was time to get rid of the bikes before these recent warning signs turn into something that results in my wife getting THAT phone call.

But…maybe it was the music in both ears causing a distraction. So I turned it off. Voila!  Crystal clarity again and totally comfortable again on the twisting roads we like to ride on.

Everybody is wired a bit differently and apparently the part of my brain (I’m an amateur musician) that processes music is the same part that processes riding input. Probably something to do with how much I enjoy both activities. Anyhow, the two activities conflict with each other. It can’t be just that I’m getting more geezer-like, could it?  No way??

Oddly, no such problems when driving the car. Probably because that doesn’t stimulate the same pleasure senses in the old noggin that riding does.

Whatever the cause, now I’m happy to just enjoy the ride, the scenery, the camaraderie of my friends and everything else that goes with this gift I keep giving myself. Motorcycle riding

Which large tent?

On our 2016 trip from Sacramento, CA to Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse Alaska and other far north environs, we carried our tents on the motorcycles and stayed in them about 1/2 the time.  Motels and at a friend’s home the other 1/2 of the time. I actually took two tents: an REI two-person dome tent and a Redverz Solo Garage-style tent for when it was raining.  I had the room on the bike to carry them and wanted to test the contrast of the two tents. While I liked the REI dome because of its fast setup and take-down needing no stakes, I found that the big garage tent made getting ready and storing gear much easier and was a nice way to escape the rain and huge mosquitos while on the frozen tundra. I could stand-up in it, work on the bike in it (If I had to) and six of us even had a party in there on a rainy “night” (24 hours of daylight) north of the Arctic Circle.

But the size of it!!!  Packed, it measures 12x12x24 and weighs 13.4 lbs which includes the optional “Garage” floor.  So I sold it and replaced it with a “Lone Rider Mototent.” It weighs 12 lbs with poles and stakes and is has almost exactly the same room inside the garage area and quite a bit more in the sleeping area. The Lone Rider is equally as tall but it packs in the supplied bag to a cylinder 8″ in diameter and 24″ long including poles and stakes. To be fair, it doesn’t have the optional floor in there.  Yes, it also needs stakes and would be a problem any place I couldn’t drive one of those in; however, we didn’t stay in any place like that last time and I don’t suspect we will this time.  So right now my plans are to leave the small dome tent home and just go with the Lone Rider this time.  It has a little more room in the sleeping area than the Redverz Solo did and maybe a tad less in the garage area.

I found that it packed into a bag just a little larger than my 2 or 3 man REI comes in. See the photos.

In the Redverz tent about midnight north of the Arctic Circle. Besides keeping the rain out, we found that the voracious mosquitos never figured out how to fly under the gap in the garage floor.

Camping on the Tundra. The brown tent is the large Redverz

Sitting in the Lone Rider tent.Great option if (when) it rains. 

Plenty of sleeping space and I could use the chair when dressing and putting on my boots. I like being able to stand up in a tent

Lone Rider, in middle packed in its carry bag compared to REI 3-person dome, top, and REI 2-person dome, bottom. Negligible size difference but the Lone Rider is heavier.


Extra gas for Alaska Trip

When we go to Inuvik, Yukon Territories in 2018, the distance between available gas is pretty close to the range I have in my tank. It’s 5.8 gallons and I get 40-45 mpg in average conditions for maybe 235 miles. In the mud with headwinds, who knows?  The 460 mile Dempster Highway to Inuvik has some gas stations and the longest distance between them is 229 miles so I’ll carry two, one-gallon extra tanks on the lids of my aluminium side cases.

Fit up. holding the tanks on with blue tape at first

I would have mounted them on the sides of the top case, but then I couldn’t open the left side case lid without hitting the gas can. I used the handy RotoPlex cans with their twist-lock fastener. Last time I didn’t take the top case anyway so this mounting method gives me the option to leave the top case home again and just use the waterproof canoe bags again.

After fitting them up, I removed the twist-lock fastener and put bolts with plastic washers for weatherproofing in the holes.

Got the rubber furniture bumpers at Lowes. Used some plastic washers under the bolts to seal the lid.  

Neater without the tanks. When I need them, I’ll just reinstall the fasteners and snap on the tanks.

To avoid maybe 9000+/- miles of the side case lids rubbing on the plastic gas tanks, I found some nifty rubber self-stick furniture bumpers at Lowes and put them on the lids where the tanks would rub.

I got concerned that the plastic hinges might break when opened since there was no lid-stop, so I dug out my plastic-covered small cable kit and made up some nifty lid-stops.  Used stainless hardware for all bolts and nuts.

The plastic-coated cables keep the lid from stressing the hinges. Important with 7 pounds of fuel in the attached tank.

Plumbers Goop. At Lowes in the sealant section. Great for sealing and attaching things.

The last thing I did was to remove all the bolts holding the lid-stoppers and seal them back on with Plumber’s Goop to keep the box as leak-proof as possible.