Starting a fire quickly and easily can be an art. Especially if your wood isn’t dry and/or if you don’t have something to get the fire started like kindling or lots of paper. Here’s an easy to make fire starter that I used on our motorcycle camping trips…north of the arctic circle.
Here’s what you’ll need to collect: 1. Candles (Good Will Store?) 2. Dryer lint. 3. Paper egg cartons. 4. A propane torch or equivalent. 5. A pair of pliers.
First, stuff your dryer lint into the egg cartons (remove the eggs, first 🙂 Then just melt the candle wax into the dryer lint by heating it with the propane torch. Get as much wax in there as it will hold and DON’T TOUCH IT UNTIL IT COOLS OFF! IT’S VERY HOT! Then all you have to do is separate the individual units by tearing or cutting them apart AFTER IT COOLS OFF. Ask me how I know to emphasize waiting!
The individual units weigh about 1/2 oz each and will burn for up to 15 minutes at over 800 degrees F. That should get your fire started if you’ve laid it out correctly.